Thursday, August 7, 2008

SAritha's bthday

was too lazy to update over the days, but i know if i dont update soon, there will be too much-_-
Monday and Tues was e-learning.

Like i said in my previous post, i went johor on monday. and we spent around $500.. i bought a bum wallet and bag..very nicee.Parents also forced me to buy 3 punjabi suits..frankly speaking i'll rather spent tht moneyy on something else):...crazzyy eh?!! but, we came home early; by 4pm i was back in eh,pizza hut in johor is tastyyy!! ok anyways, when i came back, parents dropped me at ps where i met prasee, shini and varsha(she left before i came) to get Saritha's bthday presents. They couldnt decide wad to buy and so 'forced' me to come and help them. Spent really long deciding what to buy; saritha has almost everything!! In the end, we bought 2 IP tees for her, a big big cake, and a bouquet of roses(usual routine(; ) Reached home at around 8 plus, by then was shagged like shit!

Woke up early at around 9..Met everyone and made our way to Saritha's hse..Varsha was superr late):..was her bthday, so we went over to her hse to surprise her..we planned with her mum!! LOL. Had pizza at her hse, ate A LOT, had a mini food fight, smashed the cake on every single person!! reallyy fun; i think she was really surprised, except for th fact that she asks too many questions! that pest(; LOL. After celebrating i, saritha, prasee and bryan went to east coast to play. the rest went home..had a picnic there, with proper mats and everything. classic luh! in the end was completely drenched, esp i and pra, cos saritha had her m**s*s.. Completely drenched from head to toe okay!! play and play until 7pm, then went to bath, was a lil scary so bath together(: fights were common in the toilet, esp when u're all in th same cubicle!! fight and fight, shout and shout!! freaking fun!! cabbed back. HOPE YOU HAD FUN SARITHA!!
oh yea. she got a fucking red psp for her bthday!!! wth!
Pictures will be uploaded as soon as possible cos i dont have em yett..

Tmr going out after school with my bitches. After that rush home and get ready to go for my relative's wedding dinner at Oriental Mandrin hotel(: Cousins all coming! can't wait(:

eh, walao this few days always kena caught by miss *w eh. two days ready she making me stand. dont noe wads her fucking problem. i wish she'll just get lost. bloody slut.

I am so confused. I dont understand wad is going on.